Thriller Lady's Mantle | Ryeland Gardens

Thriller Lady's Mantle

Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'


12 - 18 in.


18 - 24 in.

Flower Color:


Foliage Color:

Gray Green

Foliage Type:

Herbaceous Perennial

Bloom Time:

Late Spring Early Summer


Partial Sun

Moisture Level:

Moist, Well Drained


3 - 8

The Gardener's Notepad

Every gardener who has Lady's Mantle in their collection has at least one, if not dozens, of pictures of their leaves covered with water droplets. Talk about impulse photography! Flowers are an agreeable shade of yellow with foliage that carries a tint of silver. Very versatile, and the plants themselves are quite tough. Light shade will assure foliage quality.