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  • out of stock
  • winter interest

Pacific Fire Vine Maple

Acer circinatum


15 - 20 ft.


12 - 15 ft.

Foliage Color:

Bright Green

Foliage Type:


Bloom Time:

Early Spring


Partial Sun

Moisture Level:

Moist, Well Drained Will Not Tolerate High Moisture


5 - 9

Native Range:

Western North America

The Gardener's Notepad

This is an especially nice cultivar. The leaves are rounded/palmate and a pleasant shade of light green with a blush of orange when they first emerge, a refreshing change from the endless stream of laceleaf cultivars that flood the current market, and the young branches are colorful as well. Fall color is good, although not as stunning as some. A great tree for the small garden.